HTML | CSS Color code Generator Tool

Even if you are a web developer or blogger you must know color code of a particular color.To day i post HTML color code Generator with HTML color Scheme Wheel.These two are very important if you don't know the code of a desired color.
          These 3 or 6 hexa decimal code used in both HTML/CSS.

HTML color code Generator:    

 1.Drag Black bar on the selector"Hue" to get the desired base color.

  2.Click in the Brightness/Saturation Grid to activate cursor,then drag it in   wherever until the desired color achieved.

 3.Your color code Generated below the Grid,Simply copy the "Hex code" and paste in your web page.


HTML color adjust Wheel:

1. Once you have Generated your color code paste it below in insert HTML box.Click on     Update.Choose one of the four color codes  shown right side of the wheel.
2.This wheel is very useful to Generate Cohesive colors that makes your page more beautiful.

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